ASEAN Disability Forum (ADF)
ADF works in all areas, aiming to the main stream and the needs of people with Disabilities to enter their perspectives in the policy framework of ASEAN. The main goal is to represent the disability movement from the ASEAN region, providing opportunities for Organisation of Persons with Disabilities to build their advocacy and organisational capacity, to facilitate the sharing of mutual support and information.
ADF is a platform of action to bring the voice of DPOs at grassroots level to policy makers and to connect people to the policy makers who live in its member countries.
ADF initiative started in 2009, when a group of DPOs attended the ASEAN People's Forum (APF), realized that in order to raise awareness about the rights of persons with disabilities and promote disability inclusive policies in the adoption of the ASEAN countries, DPOs needed to organize and build capacity for advocacy affect the structure of ASEAN. To start DPOs become a member of the National Committee of the APF, is closely involved with other ASEAN Civil Society Organizations; This allows them to introduce permanent session on the rights of persons with disabilities in the APF were included in the final statement of the Forum which is then submitted to the ASEAN Summit.
ADF ist a full member of the International Disability Alliance (IDA).
Objectives of ADF
- To mainstream disability issues in all ASEAN community by creating ASEAN community, friendly for diverse peo- ple with disability
- To promote awareness and monitor the implementation of ASEAN Dec- ades of Person with Disability in line with UNCRPD, Bali Declaration, and other relevant inter- national instruments for serving the rights of diverse disability
- To provide capacity building to DPO network and stakeholders to raise one voice