Fédération Togolaise des Associations des Personnes Handicapées (FETAPH)
FETAPH is an expert in the issue of disability and inclusion of people with disabilities. It's an active umbrella organisation in the areas of advocacy, sentitisation and fund raising to support activities aimed at independent life of persons with disabilities.
Date of creation: November,13th 1990; member DPOs: 42; Partner organizations: 18.
Mission: The main mission of FETAPH is to defend and promote the rights of people with disabilities.
Vision: “A Togo where all disabled people fully enjoy their rights”.
FETAPH is part of sub-regional and regional networks, in particular the West African Federation of Disabled People (WAFOD), the African Disability Forum (ADF), Disabled People’s international (DPI) and LINC network which is a network of strategic partner organisations of the Liliane Foundation.