About the Advisory Board

A project on the participation of persons with disabilities and their representative organisations can only be relevant when persons with disabilities and organisations of persons with disabilities (OPDs) are part of its development. Therefore, the work on the toolbox was guided by an Advisory Board, made up of individuals representing characteristics such as region, gender, disability constituency and different user groups.
A big thank you goes to the following members of the Advisory Board:
- Abia Akram, NFWWD (National Forum of Women with Disabilities in Pakistan)
- Komivi Ayassou, FETAPH (Fédération Togolaise des associations de Personnes Handicapées)
- Bhargavi Davar, TCI Asia Pacific (Transforming Communities for Inclusion)
- Carmen Zubiaga, WOWLEAP (Women with Disabilities Leap to Social and Economic Progress)
Diana Bonilla, FUNDAL (Fundación Guatemalteca para Niños con Sordoceguera Alex)
Elizabeth Ombati, United Disabled Persons of Kenya
Florian Sabary, GIZ (Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit)
Guido Falkenberg, KNH (Kindernothilfe)
Juan Ángel De Gouveia Fernández, RIADIS (Latin American Network of Non-Governmental Organisations of Persons With Disabilities and their Families)
Katharina Pförtner, inclusive education consultant for CBM
Kimber Bialik, Inclusion International
Michiel Van Der Auwera, ADB (Asian Development Bank)
Miriam Gallegos, UPS (Universidad Politécnica Salesiana) Inclusive Education Research Group
Monika Brenes, CBM CBID Initiative
Olmedo Zambrano, CBM CBID Initiative
Paul Horsters, GIZ (Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit)
Rima Canawati, Palestinian Disability Coalition
Soumana Zamo, CBM CBID Initiative