About CBM
Our vision is an inclusive world in which all persons with disabilities enjoy their human rights and achieve their full potential.
Based on our Christian values and more than 100 years of professional expertise, we address poverty as a cause and a consequence of disability. We work in partnership to create an inclusive society for all.
The world is making progress in tackling poverty. However, persons with disabilities are left behind. One in seven of us has a disability. That is more than one billion people around the world, 80 per cent of whom live in lower middle income countries.
The emphasis throughout our work is on local capacity development in poorer regions of the world. This increases service delivery in the areas of healthcare, education, rehabilitation and livelihood as well as organisational development of partner organisations.
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What is CBM?
CBM is an organisation. We work to make the life of persons with disabilities better. We only work in countries where the people are poor. We are Christian. That means, we want to follow the teachings of Jesus.
CBM is more than 100 years old. We have a lot of experience and knowledge.
The Problem
Some persons have a disability because they are poor. For example, they cannot pay for the hospital. Some people are poor because they have a disability. For example, they cannot find a job.
Sometimes, persons with disabilities are not treated fairly.
What we want
Persons with disabilities should have the same rights to be included in society as anybody else. Persons with disabilities are to be respected for who they are. Everyone should have equal opportunities.
To achieve this, we work together with other organisations as our partners.